
Hello World!

Hello friends from the world of digital marketing! To start I’m going to edit the Hello World! that it automatically creates the WordPress installation, I don’t think I’m original, is there something original already on the internet?

Well, and speaking of unoriginal things, this website is still original… one more that talks about marketing… NO!! I don’t even know if it will help, can you contribute something new? Will it help any entrepreneur? Is anyone reading this wondering why I’m still on this page? HIGH!! Don’t leave yet, I think I can help this world with something, it’s that there’s a lot and it’s repeated, tons of spam, fourth-rate gurus and magical solutions, among many other things, that end up creating resounding failures.

No! It’s not that I’m a genius by any means, but if I’m very critical, the worst thing in this business is to be stupid, one can be conservative at some point, but you have to realize the things that don’t work today, they won’t work tomorrow. Technological change is constant and I think that if I can give any contribution it is to guide where we are and where we are going.

Makers of the world unite!!